Monday 30 July 2018

Aveeno Absolutely Ageless - Moisturizing Cleanser

Hey loves.

Wow, it feels like it's been forever. I got handed yet another job title at my work which now means I do the work of three different people.
So, as you can imagine I've been completely swamped.

I'm always looking for products to bring moisture back to my skin and cleansers have been one of the more difficult ones to find on a drug store skincare budget. I picked up this Aveeno one which out of the hundreds I feel like I've tried has impressed me more than most.

I never believe the 99% claims on any product. Whether it's skin care, cleaner or makeup. Despite that this does a great job at removing all traces of makeup albeit those stubborn tiny bits of eye makeup. I usually double cleanse as to get all my eye makeup off because I go quite heavy with it on the daily. It doesn't dry out my skin excessively but I do go in with a serum and heavy cream moisturizer after every use because my skin is as dry as the desert. So far, out of all the drug store ones I've tried that has been the best but I'm still thinking there's probably something better. The hunt continues.

What's your skincare regimen like?


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