Hello loves!
I saw a post on twitter this morning from another blogger about things they would have told their younger self and I loved the idea. While I'm only 25, I thought why not do a spin off of that but for when I was in High School. I feel like everyone struggles at some point or another during their high school career and maybe reading this will help you get through it.
1 - Friends aren't all that matters. I spent so much time surrounded by friends, going to parties, staying up till ungodly hours which affected my grades and even though it's just high school if you get good grades off the bat you won't have to go back if there's something you're interested in later on that you require better grades for to qualify. This goes for Post Secondary as well. I'm not saying a social life doesn't matter but learn to balance!
2 - It gets better. After high school you can cut all ties with those toxic friends. Don't let mean kids bring you down, it's just high school it won't matter once you get out.
3 - Be yourself. You'll be so much happier just being you. I saw so many of my friends try to hide who they are and my younger sister currently doing things to fit in. Don't because the more genuine you are the more attractive you are to people!
Honestly, I can't think of any more things I would have told myself but I hope this helps anyone who's currently struggling. People in high school can be so awful to each other and I want you to know most of them will grow and change into better people. Don't let a bully be the end of your life.
I know it seems like the end all be all when you're young but I promise you it isn't.
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