{Buchard Gardens, Victoria, BC}

{my Grandma in her younger years - 18, I belive}

Good morning loves.
This year was a hard one for me and an even harder one for my mom. At the age of 24, this was the first year of my life where I had to deal with someone close to me dying and it was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.
On Valentine's Day, I lost my grandma. We had an extremely close relationship and I miss her more and more every day. She had been incredibly sick for a long time with neuropathy in her feet due to diabetes. Despite this she was still able to do most day to day tasks but when it got really bad it didn't take a long time for her to pass. It's awful having to see someone you love degrade away so quickly. I was lucky that I got to spend so much time with her before that happened and I'm thankful for that. I was pretty much raised by this woman as my mom was single and worked two jobs to give me a happy life. Having spent so much time with my grandma in my life we had an incredibly close bond. Grandma, I will always love you and miss you and I hope that somewhere you are watching over me.
Along with this passing my uncle passed away three months later. Luckily for me, he had always lived far away so was not an uncle I had a close relationship with but none the less it still hurt.
Life gets hard sometimes and unfortunately death is something that will never be less painful to deal with and I just have to remember that.
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